Jian Guo
Graduate Student
Department of Chemistry
Faculty of Science
After receiving his bachelor degree in Polymer Engineering at Zhejiang University in 2012, Jian joined Dr. Zhenghe Xu’s oil sands group at University of Alberta. He was dedicated to research on the application of innovative pH and thermal-responsive polymer additives in oil sands extraction and waste tailings treatment. Upon obtaining his master degree in Chemical Engineering in 2015, he immediately joined a start-up company and contributed to the establishment of the research facility in oil sands department. He led a project applying activated carbon to optimize bitumen extraction from low-quality oil sands ores and facilitated a patent publication in 2016.He joined Dr. Huan’s group at the University of British Columbia in 2018. During his Ph.D. program in Chemistry at UBC, he will strive to develop and apply innovative methodologies for metabolomics studies in a plethora of research fields.